How to fit swimming goggles

1.Suction test
Press the goggles to the eyes and if they stick to the face for a short time, then this indicates an excellent fit. (A,B)

2.Adjusting the head strap
The function of the head strap is to keep the goggles in the correct position. It is not advisable for the strap to be too tight, having it too tight will result in discomfort and marking around the eyes. Adjust the head strap for a comfortable fit.

3.Fitting the goggles
With the goggles in position on the face (C), stretch the head strap to the back of the head. (D) The strap should rest at the crown of the head at a 45 degree angle to prevent any leakage. If leakage occurs adjust the position of the strap.

4.Removing the goggles
To remove the goggles safely, put your thumbs under the head strap at the side of your head then slide towards the back of your head lifting the strap as you go (E)

5.Caring for your goggles
To maintain the maximum benefit from your goggles make sure you keep the lenses away from sand an grease. Wash gently with clean water after each use. Make sure not to touch the inside of the lens as you will rub the anti fog coating off.